Substance Philosophy的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和資訊懶人包

Substance Philosophy的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Bellis, Delphine (EDT)/ Garber, Daniel (EDT)/ Palmerino, Carla R寫的 Pierre Gassendi: Humanism, Science, and the Birth of Modern Philosophy 和Torrance, David A.的 Christian Kinship: Family Relatedness in Christian Practice and Moral Thought都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立中正大學 教育學碩士在職專班 王雅玄所指導 吳天馨的 彼岸的彩虹—解析恐同症在同性戀/異性戀的視域及其對同志教育的啟示 (2021),提出Substance Philosophy關鍵因素是什麼,來自於性傾向、性認同、恐同、內化恐同、同志教育。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣藝術大學 傳播學院影音創作與數位媒體產業博士班 廖金鳳所指導 范虹的 資料庫、介面與敘事化:數位影音資料庫敘事的歧路探索 (2021),提出因為有 資料庫敘事、數位影音、資料庫、介面、敘事化的重點而找出了 Substance Philosophy的解答。


除了Substance Philosophy,大家也想知道這些:

Pierre Gassendi: Humanism, Science, and the Birth of Modern Philosophy

為了解決Substance Philosophy的問題,作者Bellis, Delphine (EDT)/ Garber, Daniel (EDT)/ Palmerino, Carla R 這樣論述:

Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) was a major figure in seventeenth-century philosophy whose philosophical and scientific works contributed to shaping Western intellectual identity. Among "new philosophers," he was considered Descartes' main rival, and he belonged to the first rank of those attempting to

carve out an alternative to Aristotelian philosophy. Given the importance of Gassendi for the history of science and philosophy, it is surprising to see that he has been largely ignored in the Anglophone world.This collection of essays constitutes the first book on Gassendi that comprehensively cove

rs his biography, bibliography, and all aspects of his philosophy. The book is divided into four parts. It begins with a brief sketch of the intellectual world of seventeenth-century France, Gassendi's early attacks on Aristotle, and a bibliographical essay on early-modern publications of Gassendi's

writings. Part II explores Gassendi's contributions to logic, natural philosophy, and astronomy and cosmology. Part III addresses Gassendi as a humanist and participant in seventeenth-century philosophical and scientific debates, including his advocacy of Epicurean philosophy and his relation to th

e sceptical tradition. The fourth and final part involves a brief discussion of the reception of Gassendi's thought, including the paraphrases of his works published in France and England. This book is an essential resource for scholars and upper-level students of early modern philosophy, intellectu

al history, and the history of science who want to get acquainted with Pierre Gassendi as a major philosopher and intellectual figure of the early modern period. Delphine Bellis is a postdoctoral researcher of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at Ghent University, Belgium. Her research mainl

y focuses on Descartes, Gassendi, and early modern optics and matter theory.Daniel Garber is Stuart Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Princeton University, USA. He has written widely on issues relating to the history of philosophy and science in the early modern period. His books include

Descartes’ Metaphysical Physics, Descartes Embodied, and Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. With Michael Ayers, he is the co-editor of the Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.Carla Rita Palmerino is full Professor in the History of Modern Philosophy at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the

Netherlands. Her research mainly focuses on early modern theories of matter and motion and she has published several articles on Gassendi’s natural philosophy.

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JENN LEE 21FW探索內心世界,忘卻物質的渴求,回歸精神的平衡與根本。


由於全球疫情蔓延,JENN LEE 21FW以VR360沈浸式虛擬世界的新科技展出,時尚跨界新科技。以東方哲學思想「宇宙恆變」、「自然融合」與「活在當下」的創作概念,創造「變」與「流動」的視覺。

與兩度獲得亞洲最指標的電影獎項「金馬獎」的電影特效團隊「再現影像」,以及創媒空間國際有限公司主理人李奕慶擔任創意指導合作人林合一「LOVE PLANET VR360」虛擬新星球。


Inspired and drawn from an Eastern philosophy “The universe is in eternal change”; highlighting the fact that we must live for the moment and embrace living in harmony with the substance of everything that exists. The VR showcase aims to bring together visually, the ideas of transformation and dissipation.

A chaotic VR world is juxtaposed with real characters from our everyday life. Jenn Lee and Golden Horse Award winning film company Renovatio Pictures, Inc. set about to invite a group of Taiwanese celebrities, actors, musicians, influencers, make-up artists and designers to participate in seeking Utopia via Virtual Reality.


李維錚 Wei Chen Lee
劉芸庭 Liu Yun Ting
吳霈萱 Wu Pei Xuan
毛紫函 Mao Tzu Han
賴映宇 Lai Ying Yu
葉祐誠 Yeh Yu Cheng
楊嘉靜 Yang Chia Ching
江聿涵 Jiang Yu Han
范棠棋 Fan Tang Chi
楊紫廷 Yang Tzu Ting
呂緣生 Lui Yuen Seng

Producer/ Photographer
費俊偉 Dennis Fei

視覺特效製作 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Visual Effects By Renovatio Pictures

視覺特效總監 郭憲聰
Visual Effects Supervisor Tomi Kuo

特效製片 黃棨雋
VFX Producer Peter Huang

技術總監 范屹閔
Pipeline Technical Director Willy Fan

CG 總監 陳昭詠
CG Supervisor Chen Chao Yung

特效協調 陳姵均
VFX Coordinators Hulk Chen

合成組長 謝欣霏
Composition Lead Faye Hsieh

資深合成師 徐佳佑
Senior Compositor Shu Chia Yu

CG 數位視覺設計師 吳怡萱
CG Digital Artists Ella Wu

概念美術設計師 吳怡萱
Concept Deisgn Artist Ella Wu

特效協力 張泰軒
VFX Associate Ted Chang

行政企劃 黃千真
Administration Angel Huang

Creative Director
李奕慶 Kris Lee

Citizens of Love Planet
高捷 Jack Kao
高愛 Maggie Kao
阿夜 Marz23
百勒絲 Fairy Pai
郝雲娟 Hao Yun Juan
Yolanda Milan
張維宸 Way Mask
祁麟 Cone
程琪 Kare Chen
傅昱 Fu Yu
陳映如 In Ru Chen
張迎盈 Asa
張允信 Forrest Chang
張彤宇 Claire Chang
費俊偉 Dennis Fei
李維錚 Wei Chen Lee
臭咪 Stinky Mimimi

Gentle Monster
KCC 墾青集團

Cloudy Ku — Hermitage Bliss
Written by Cloudy Ku 庫巧兔

Tim Whitten

Lawrence English

© all rights reserved


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為了解決Substance Philosophy的問題,作者吳天馨 這樣論述:

本研究旨從性別平等教育之觀點剖析性認同發展歷程對恐同生成的影響,藉由質性半結構式訪談四位不同性傾向者,瞭解經由家庭成長、求學階段和職場生涯所形塑的性認同對恐同生成的影響情形之探究,以敘事分析法由不同的視域觀點解析性認同發展對恐同成因的影響,以作為性別平等教育上探討同志教育之啟示和恐同相關議題的參考。本研究主要以Cass的性認同發展模式、McDonald的同性戀認同發展階段和Kristine和Falco女同性戀發展四階段論,檢視同性戀的性認同建構,佐以Herek對於恐同的定義及Lourde探討恐同的影響層面,作為理論基礎,收集、分析訪談資料後,歸結出以下的研究結論:1. 同志看待自身的性認同形

構歷程,認為性別認同與性傾向為並存的,兩者間不具有因果關係或相互影響的關聯性;異性戀視自身的性認同形構發展為先出現性別認同,才發展出性傾向且認為兩者具有因果關聯性。2. 異性戀者視性認同發展為統一由性別認同過渡到性傾向之過程,故較難察覺到許多觀念和迷思與父權有關,因此將恐同類歸為社會常態之一;而同志的恐同隨著不同階段的發展歷程,呈現轉化性的消長且各階段面對的難題不一。3. 校園恐同為影響同志青年內化恐同的關鍵,成年後確立同志性認同者,因未直接地受到校園恐同的從眾效應影響,故內化恐同的作用並不明顯,然內化恐同仍是每位同志所需面對的挑戰。4. 同志視恐同為源於異性戀霸權的壓迫;異性戀者以「異常性認

同」論同志因而不覺恐同的存在,然兩者皆忽略父權實為真正的操弄者。5. 父權社會中異性戀家庭觀為恐同的啟蒙,而校園恐同則經由從眾效應得以強化,社會恐同為潛藏的意識型態,使得恐同成為打擊多元社會的延續性迫害。6. 同志教育需注意教師的潛在課程並納入以批判性思維檢視社會常態及爭議,從而化解恐同以破除父權的挾持並養成尊重差異的態度。關

Christian Kinship: Family Relatedness in Christian Practice and Moral Thought

為了解決Substance Philosophy的問題,作者Torrance, David A. 這樣論述:

"Ideas of kinship play a significant role in structuring everyday life, and yet kinship has been neglected in Christian ethics, moral philosophy and bioethics. Attention has been paid in these disciplines to the ethics of ’family,’ but with little regard to the evidence that kinship varies widely

from culture-to-culture, suggesting that it is, in fact, culturally constructed. Surveying notions of shared substance (e.g. blood ties), house, gender and personhood, as theorised and practiced in the Christian tradition, Torrance critiques the special privileging of the ’blood tie’. In the place

of European and American cultural assumptions to the contrary, it is kinship in Christ that is presented as the basis of a truly Christian account for social ties. Torrance also aims to stimulate the moral imagination to consider Christian kinship might be lived out in miniature, in everyday life"


為了解決Substance Philosophy的問題,作者范虹 這樣論述:

在後現代文化中,視頻遊戲、互動影音、電影、網劇,逐漸呈現出一種資料庫的文化形式,這改變了延續上千年的敘事傳統。資料庫是資料的結構化集合,敘事是一種認知建構,在數位媒體時代,它們並不矛盾,而是一種共生關係。結合Manovich提出的資料庫邏輯;以及與裝置、文化、身體相關的介面理論;還有認知敘事學中的敘事化過程,能夠建立一種資料庫敘事的理論模型。 資料庫敘事是一種空間敘事,是基於故事世界的多序列、多形式的講述。它通過螢幕介面、文化介面、身體介面的空間化設計,為觀眾的敘事化過程提供一種個人化的仲介。而敘事化過程需要完成從資料庫中建立序列,以及將特定序列構建為故事世界的雙重任務。所謂的

空間敘事並非取代時間緯度的敘事過程,而是將空間緯度的敘述行為放置到與時間緯度同等重要的位置上,空間維度與時間維度的敘事性要如何進行協調,則是由資料庫中資料的粒度決定。 資料庫敘事理論雖然強調空間緯度的介面設計,但它卻不僅僅是指那些具有交互功能的敘事類型。它是一種中層理論,核心是敘事中展現出的資料庫邏輯,所以前衛電影的敘事、當代電影的複雜敘事、網劇敘事,甚至包括自動生成的「軟電影」都可以被稱作資料庫敘事。而超出單個文本範圍,但同樣基於一個故事世界(資料庫)進行多序列講述的跨媒體敘事,則是資料庫敘事的延伸。 不同符號體系(影像、聲音、文字)的敘事理論並不能通用,我們研究的對象是「數位影
