legion的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和資訊懶人包

legion的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Roberts (Tomfoolery), Tomos寫的 The World Awaits 和Jeynes, Richard P.的 Line in the Sand: Foreign Legion Forts and Fortifications in Morocco 1900 - 1926都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立嘉義大學 資訊管理學系研究所 張宏義所指導 王威淳的 基於生成對抗網路(GAN)與Mask R-CNN之電腦輔助系統以增強大腸息肉偵測及分類 (2021),提出 legion關鍵因素是什麼,來自於大腸息肉偵測、生成對抗網路(GAN,Generative Adversarial Network)、物件偵測模型、資料增強(Data Augmentation)、去模糊化。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 健康促進與衛生教育學系健康促進與衛生教育碩士在職專班 李子奇所指導 陳湘燁的 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)流行初期確診率與死亡率的相關因子:以全球空間資料分析 (2021),提出因為有 新型冠狀病毒、大流行疾病、多變數空間自迴歸分析、確診率、死亡率的重點而找出了 legion的解答。


除了 legion,大家也想知道這些:

The World Awaits

為了解決 legion的問題,作者Roberts (Tomfoolery), Tomos 這樣論述:

The second inspiring picture book from the creators of The Great Realisation.’All the things that make life wonderful, all the colours, sounds and tastesBegin to lose a touch of magic when your goodness goes to waste.’We all have within us ’potential’, an amount of positivity and goodness that we co

uld add to the world if we only try.But what if we don’t try? What if it all seems too much and we just feel like staying in bed?As one little boy lies in bed one morning, not wanting to face the day, it’s up to his older brother to show him the extraordinary potential within him and how even the sm

allest of his actions will make the world a better place . . .Tomos Roberts’ sparkling new picture book is a manifesto for our time - urging us all to come together to build a brighter future, one small step at a time.Tomos Roberts’ pandemic poem, The Great Realisation, was viewed over 60 million ti

mes online and translated into over 20 languages. It was adapted by Ashley Banjo and Diversity into a BAFTA-winning dance performance for Britain’s Got Talent as well as being featured in the official BBC New Years Eve 2021 fireworks spectacular. The picture book adaptation has been nominated for th

e Kate Greenaway Medal.’A beautiful book and beautifully illustrated’ - Kate Garraway, Good Morning Britain on The Great RealisationTomos was commissioned by the Royal British Legion to write an Armistice Day poem, Alive With Poppies, which he performed at the Royal Albert Hall in commemoration of 1

00 years of the poppy. He wrote a Christmas poem, ’I Actually, Love London’ for BBC London in December 2021. Tomos Roberts (Tomfoolery) is a spoken-word poet and filmmaker, born in New Zealand and brought up in London. His online poem The Great Realisation, launched in April 2020 and has been view

ed over 60 million times. Tomos has been interviewed on This Morning, by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, and his story has been reported all over the world. His second picture book, The World Awaits published in July 2021, and he was commissioned by the Royal British Legion to write an Armis

tice Day poem, Alive With Poppies, which he performed at the Royal Albert Hall. Tomos lives in London.Nomoco is the illustrator of the Greenaway Medal-nominated Once Upon a Raindrop, also shortlisted for the UKLA Award Information Books category. She has produced artwork for clients including Moschi

no, Marc Jacobs, the Guardian and the New York Times, as well as being exhibited all over the globe. She lives in Tokyo.


基於生成對抗網路(GAN)與Mask R-CNN之電腦輔助系統以增強大腸息肉偵測及分類

為了解決 legion的問題,作者王威淳 這樣論述:

大腸癌目前是全世界排名第三常見的癌症。大腸息肉為大腸癌之前身。所以大腸息肉的檢測為重要的臨床研究議題。如能及早發現大腸息肉,提前切除,就能有效降低死亡率。大腸鏡為偵測大腸息肉的首選方式。根據研究顯示,平均每人次完成大腸鏡檢仍有26% 的大腸息肉未被發現。因此利用深度學習來幫助醫師辨識出大腸息肉是目前重要的研究。大腸息肉又分為良性息肉與惡性息肉。惡性息肉中以扁平鋸齒狀腺瘤生長速度快,易惡變,但相對數量少且不易被發現。但訓練深度學習模型需要大量的訓練資料,因此本研究使用資料增強加上Conditional GAN生成出更多的扁平鋸齒狀腺瘤訓練資料集。再利用物件偵測模型YOLOv4訓練,以提供鏡檢醫

師完善的電腦輔助偵測系統並提高腺瘤檢出率及準確的判斷息肉類別。此外大腸鏡即時操作時常會因晃動造成影像模糊而影響息肉辨識,所以本研究提出利用DeblurGAN-v2進行去模糊化。最後訓練Mask R-CNN,在偵測到息肉後,推算息肉的真實面積,提供鏡檢醫師一個可依照息肉大小判斷病情嚴重度及後續追蹤間隔時間的重要依據。經實驗結果後發現使用GAN資料比只使用資料擴增的模型的mAP提升了2.42%,對模糊圖片使用DeblurGAN-v2後再偵測的mAP提升5.10%,Mask R-CNN的mAP則為86.24%,可有效幫助醫師找出息肉並判斷病情嚴重度。

Line in the Sand: Foreign Legion Forts and Fortifications in Morocco 1900 - 1926

為了解決 legion的問題,作者Jeynes, Richard P. 這樣論述:

The book gives an overview of the French conquest of Morocco between 1900 and 1926.While providing a general outline of the conquest of Morocco the book concentrates on the use of forts and other fortifications built by the French Foreign Legion to secure the territory gained and pacify the areas

of operation.Covering the construction of the outposts, garrison life in them in peace and war, operations in the desert and mountains and desperate last stands.Particular emphasis is given to two sites where the author undertook detailed archaeological investigations as well as extensive use of Pr

imary sources (many of which are now out of print).Numerous plans, maps and photographs support the text.


為了解決 legion的問題,作者陳湘燁 這樣論述:

背景:新型冠狀病毒 (Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)在2019年12月於中國湖北省發現多起群聚感染,且迅速擴散至全中國並蔓延至其他國家,造成大流行疾病,臺灣在2020年1月21日,出現第1例COVID-19境外移入,COVID-19除了對經濟造成衝擊外,也因各國疫情及病例數與日俱增,讓民眾對於未知的疾病產生恐慌,本研究目的在了解世界各國COVID-19流行初期確診率及死亡率分佈情形及相關因子。研究方法:本研究透過世界各國的開放式數據探討眾多與COVID-19確診率及死亡率相關的因子,如:肥胖、高齡化、平均壽命、經濟發展程度、識字率、人口密度、傳染病與慢

性病(癌症、心血管疾病、糖尿病、肺結核等的盛行率)、基礎衛生建設涵蓋率、醫療資源(醫師密度、病床密度)。空間統計分析用於探索 COVID-19確診率和死亡率的空間分佈。 本研究按兩個指標日期進行空間統計分析,分別是第一個分析時間點(2020年7月15日,T1)和第二個分析時間點(2020年12月15日,T2)。為了探索相關的因子和結果變項之間的空間關聯,我們進行了不同定義的空間相關矩陣之空間自迴歸分析,包括一階國界相鄰、二階國界相鄰、500公里距離相鄰、1,000 公里距離相鄰和 1,500公里距離相鄰。空間自迴歸分析並考量自變項共線性的問題。研究結果:共175個國家的資料納入空間統計分析,以

1,500公里距離相鄰為定義,排除部份共線性的自變項後,將剩餘的自變項同時納入多變數空間自迴歸分析顯示,國內生產毛額 (單位:每壹美元,估計係數=0.46,p=0.033)及肥胖率 (單位:每100人,估計係數=0.95, p