種洋蔥的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和資訊懶人包

種洋蔥的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦陳乃嘉寫的 家常菜吃出健康來 和康鑑文化編輯部的 神奇洋蔥冰料理:瘦身祕訣都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站亨氏推出「火星版」番茄醬!在火星種農作物需要什麼?也說明:2015 年科幻電影《火星救援》,主角藉糞便幫火星土壤施肥以種出 ... 他們發現生菜、芝麻菜、菠菜、豌豆、大蒜、羽衣甘藍和洋蔥蓬勃生長,胡蘿蔔和 ...

這兩本書分別來自華翔文創 和人類智庫所出版 。

亞洲大學 食品營養與保健生技學系 黃元勵、韓建國所指導 CHEW, WEN-QI的 不同發酵條件下製備黑洋蔥之抗發炎及抗癌作用之探討 (2017),提出種洋蔥關鍵因素是什麼,來自於洋蔥、發酵、抗發炎、抗癌。

而第二篇論文亞洲大學 生物科技學系 韓建國、黃元勵、黃素華所指導 周楨蕙的 不同發酵條件下製備黑洋蔥之抗氧化能力之研究 (2017),提出因為有 黑洋蔥、發酵、抗氧化、抑菌的重點而找出了 種洋蔥的解答。

最後網站有顆洋蔥長久不吃發芽了,就把它移到花盆裡種起來了 - GetIt01則補充:你可以當盆栽種著欣賞,也可以等秧子長得足夠長的時候剪下來炒了吃,別等到種球里的營養消耗完了一無所獲。我家也有種一棵洋蔥,打算過完年就剪下來炒菜吃了。 洋蔥相信 ...




為了解決種洋蔥的問題,作者陳乃嘉 這樣論述:

美味菜品VS.繽紛多變蔬菜冰,均衡營養、健康加分! 滋補肉類‧清爽蔬食‧蛋豆料理‧飯麵主食 可口小菜‧美味湯品‧風味飲料‧輕食點心   神奇洋蔥冰驚人功效,吃出美顏瘦身自癒力   洋蔥內含多種植化素,具有降血脂、抗氧化、排毒、防癌等功效,每天處理洋蔥十分費神,製成洋蔥冰應用在家常料理中,親身體驗洋蔥神奇食療力!   蔬菜冰特效對症食養,20種常見疾症一掃光   常見病除了藥物治療,生活習慣和飲食也是重要一環,料理中加入洋蔥冰、番茄冰、紅蘿蔔冰等,不僅增添風味,也能完善營養,逐步找回健康。 本書特色   250道可口菜餚+20種常見病食養+蔬菜冰健康飲食法   1天6顆洋蔥冰,強化代

謝、吃出易瘦體質不復胖   享瘦美食零負擔,食材保健效果一滴不漏!   蔬菜冰入菜,簡單、方便、快速吸收全營養   洋蔥冰百變家常料理,打造健康燃脂力!  


Tefal法國特福 巧變10件組 |https://goo.gl/8uHhne

洋蔥絲、紫洋蔥絲 500公克/onion 500g
蔥絲 20公克/scallion 20g
七味粉 1茶匙/schichimi togarashi 1tsp.

柴魚醬油 2大匙/bonito sauce 2tbsp.
味醂 3大匙/mirin 3tbsp.
果醋 2大匙/fruit vinegar 2tbsp.
橄欖油 2大匙/olive oil 2tbsp.

1. 洋蔥、紫洋蔥切絲,浸泡冰水3分鐘去除辛辣味。
2. 所有調味料拌勻,放入洋蔥絲、蔥絲、七味粉拌勻即可。

洋蔥絲 150公克/onion 150g
雞蛋 5顆/eggs 5

味醂 3大匙/ mirin 3tbsp.
柴魚醬油 3大匙/bonito sauce
水 300cc/300ml water

1. 取鍋,放入丼飯醬汁小火煮滾,再放入洋蔥絲煮至變軟。
2. 淋上蛋液,期間搖晃鍋子使蛋液均勻分布,待蛋液表面略凝固後關火。
3. 最後淋至白飯上即可。

洋蔥絲 600公克/onion 600g
奶油 50公克/butter 50g
蒜末 30公克/garlic 30g
百里香 少許/thyme
中筋麵粉 2大匙/plain flour 2tbsp.
高湯 1000ml/stock 1000ml

鹽 1/2茶匙/salt 1/2tsp.
黑胡椒粉 1/4茶匙/ grounded black pepper 1/4tsp.

1. 熱鍋放入奶油、蒜末炒香,放入洋蔥絲,慢慢拌炒至洋蔥軟化變色。
2. 加入百里香、中筋麵粉,炒至洋蔥成焦糖色。
3. 加入高湯煮滾,用小火煮約15分鐘至湯濃稠即可。

洋蔥 4顆/onion 4
豬絞肉 500公克/ minced pork 500g
洋蔥末 250公克/ onion 250g
薑末 15公克/ginger 15g
雞蛋 1顆/egg 1
太白粉 2大匙/potato starch 2tbsp.
白酒 2大匙/white wine 2tbsp.
水 1000ml/water 1000ml
鹽 1/2茶匙/salt 1/2tsp.
太白粉水 1大匙/corn starch & water 1tbsp

鹽 1茶匙/salt 1tsp.
糖 1大匙/sugar 1tbsp.
醬油 1大匙/ soy sauce 1tbsp.
黑胡椒粉 1茶匙/ grounded black pepper 1tsp.

1. 洋蔥切去頭尾後對切,保留外圈三圈,其餘切末備用。
2. 將豬絞肉加鹽抓至有黏性,加入所有調味料、薑末、雞蛋拌勻。
3. 加入太白粉、洋蔥末拌勻成肉餡。
4. 洋蔥放入鍋中,填入肉餡,再淋上油稍微煎香。
5. 加入白酒、水、鹽煮滾,轉小火燉煮約20分鐘。
6. 淋上太白粉水勾芡即可。

洋蔥 4顆/onion 4
橄欖油 100ml/olive oil 100ml
鹽 少許/salt
彩色胡椒 少許/mixed pepper

1. 洋蔥去頭尾後對切。
2. 將洋蔥排入鍋中,撒上鹽、彩色胡椒,淋上橄欖油。
3. 放入已預熱的烤箱中,以200℃烤約35分鐘至表面金黃焦香即可。

洋蔥 2顆/onion 2
油 適量/oil
洋蔥丁 150公克/onion 150g
紅甜椒丁 30公克/red pepper 30g
黃甜椒丁 30公克/yellow pepper 30g
雞蛋 1顆/egg 1
中筋麵粉 100公克/plain flour 100g
水 120ml/water 120ml

鹽 1/2茶匙/salt 1/2tsp.
糖 1/2茶匙/sugar 1/2 tsp.
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙/ grounded white pepper 1/2 tsp.

1. 洋蔥去頭尾後切圈,取中間較寬處,其餘部分切碎備用。
2. 將中筋麵粉、水、雞蛋混合拌勻,加入其餘材料B和調味料,混合拌勻成麵糊。
3. 將洋蔥圈排放入鍋中,淋上適量油加熱,洋蔥圈中放入適量麵糊。
4. 小火煎約5分鐘後翻面,再煎5分鐘至雙面金黃即可。


天天買菜 天菜網




為了解決種洋蔥的問題,作者CHEW, WEN-QI 這樣論述:

Table of ContentsAbstract I摘要 IIAcknowledgements IIITable of Contents IVList of Figures VIIIList of Tables IXList of Abbreviation XChapter 1 Preface 1Chapter 2 Literature Review 22.1 Introduction to Onion 22.1.1 The Origin and Yield of Onion in Taiwan 22.1.2 The Planting and Season of On

ions 42.1.3 The Common Onion in Taiwan 62.1.4 The Appearance of Onion 122.1.5 The Bioactive Components of Onion 132.1.6 The Biological Functions of Onion 152.2 Browning Reaction 192.2.1 The process of Maillard reaction 192.2.2 The factors affecting Maillard reaction 212.3 Introduction of Inf

lammatory 232.3.1 Acute and chronic inflammation 232.3.2 Inflammation pathway 252.4 Introduction of Cancer 282.4.1 Lung cancer 292.4.2 Apoptosis 30Chapter 3 Objective 33Chapter 4 Materials and Methods 344.1 Experimental structure 344.2 Materials 354.2.1 Onion 354.2.2 Experimental Cell Lin

e 354.3 Chemical Reagent 354.4 Instrument and Equipment 374.5 Experimental Methods 384.5.1 Preparation of black onion 384.5.2 Proximate composition 384.5.3 Color analysis 414.5.4 Water activity 414.5.5 pH value 414.5.6 Browning intensity 414.5.7 Sensory evaluation 424.5.8 Cell culture 42

4.5.9 Cell viability MTT ((3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay) assay 434.5.10 Nitrite (NO) determination 434.5.11 RNA extraction 434.5.12 Formation of cDNA by reverse transcription 444.5.13 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction 454.5.14 Protein extraction 454.5.15

Western blot 464.5.16 Statistical Analysis 46Chapter 5 Results 475.1 Determination of the proximate composition of fresh onion 475.2 Determination of the color change of black onion during fermentation periods 475.3 Determination of water content change of black onion during fermentation perio

ds 475.4 Determination of water activity of black onion during fermentation periods 485.5 Determination of pH value of black onion during fermentation periods 485.6 Determination of browning intensity of black onion during fermentation periods 495.7 Sensory evaluation of black onion during ferme

ntation periods 505.8 Determination of the correlation between physical and chemical properties 505.9 The effects of black onion extracts on lipopolysaccharide (LPS-) induces Nitric Oxide (NO) production in mouse macrophage cells. 515.10 Determination of WBO-LW and WBO-LE reduced LPS-induced NO p

roduction by Real-time PCR analysis 515.11 The effects of black onion extracts on human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells 525.12 The effects of black onion extracts on human prostate adenocarcinoma PC-3 cells 525.13 The effects of black onion extracts on human lung carcinoma A549 cells 525.14

Determination of WBO-LW inhibit A549 cells viability by Western blot 53Chapter 6 Discussion 54Chapter 7 Conclusion 60References 62 List of FiguresFigure 1. The changes of red onion during the 28-days fermentation. 69Figure 2. The changes of yellow onion during the 28-days fermentation. 71Figu

re 3. The changes of white onion during 28-days fermentation. 73Figure 4. Changes in the water content of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 75Figure 5. Changes in water activity of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 77Figure 6. Changes in pH value of black onion during 28-days fermen

tation. 79Figure 7. Changes in browning intensity of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 81Figure 8. Changes in cell viability in RAW264.7 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 83Figure 9. Changes in suppressed the LPS-induced NO production by RAW264.7 cells of black onion during

28-days fermentation. 86Figure 10. Changes in suppressed the LPS-induced IL-6 and TNF-α production by RAW264.7 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 89Figure 11. Changes in cell viability in RWPE-1 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 91Figure 12. Changes in cell viabili

ty in HepG2 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 94Figure 13. Changes in cell viability in PC-3 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 97Figure 14. Changes in cell viability in A549 cells of black onion during 28-days fermentation. 100Figure 15. Research on apoptosis mecha

nism of white onion fermented at low temperature and high temperature extracted with water on A549 (human lung carcinoma cells). 103List of TablesTable 1. Proximate composition of fresh onion. 105Table 2. L, a, b value of fermented onions during 28-days fermentation. 106Table 3. Sensory evaluatio

n of fermented black onion during 28-days fermentation. 107Table 4. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical and chemical properties analysis and sensory evaluation of red fermented black onion water extracts during 28-days fermentation. 109Table 5. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical

and chemical properties analysis and sensory evaluation of red fermented black onion ethanol extracts during 28-days fermentation. 111Table 6. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical and chemical properties analysis and sensory evaluation of yellow fermented black onion water extracts during

28-days fermentation. 113Table 7. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical and chemical properties analysis and sensory evaluation of yellow fermented black onion ethanol extracts during 28-days fermentation. 115Table 8. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical and chemical properties anal

ysis and sensory evaluation of white fermented black onion water extracts during 28-days fermentation. 117Table 9. Correlation coefficient analysis of physical and chemical properties analysis and sensory evaluation of white fermented black onion ethanol extracts during 28-days fermentation. 119


為了解決種洋蔥的問題,作者康鑑文化編輯部 這樣論述:

10天瘦3公斤、1週瘦2公斤的祕密武器 魔法調味料洋蔥冰,什麼食物都百搭 美味和健康驚人效果UP! 本書特色 不用限制飲食也能瘦!   ●洋蔥冰讓美味升級、營養加分、減鹽減糖、豐富味道層次!   ●不喜歡、不愛吃洋蔥的人,都會愛上洋蔥冰!   ●洋蔥冰好吃、用法簡單方便、吃太多也無妨,所以能持續! 製作簡單!   一次用4顆洋蔥(1kg)做,可做2~3個製冰盒的量,   一次做多點,可保存2個月,隨時取用好方便。 吃法百變!   80道洋蔥冰應用料理,入菜、加湯、飯麵、飲料冰品都速配。 越吃越瘦!   體驗洋蔥驚人消脂力,富含瘦身強效成分,安心吃好享瘦。 洋蔥冰聰

明快速使用法   加入咖啡、茶、牛奶、果汁飲料、麥片、優格、杯湯、泡麵、咖哩飯、微波食品、炒飯、味噌湯、沾麵醬、醬料、沙拉、小菜、醃漬物、冰淇淋、冰品、生奶油等


為了解決種洋蔥的問題,作者周楨蕙 這樣論述:

目錄謝誌……………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ目錄……………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ表目錄………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅳ圖目錄………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅴ摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………ⅦAbstract………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅸ縮寫表……………………………………………………………………………………………XII第一章 前言………………

……………………………………………………………………1第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………………………2第一節洋蔥品種特性、產地及產季………………………………………2一、洋蔥簡介…………………………………………………………………………………2二、洋蔥的化學組成、機能性成分及保健功效………………5三、洋蔥的加工應用…………………………………………………………………11四、黑洋蔥………………………………………………………………………………………13第三章 材料與方法……………………………………………………………………15第一節實驗架構……………………………………………………


……………………………………………21五、褐變強度分析………………………………………………………………………21六、萃取方法…………………………………………………………………………………21七、清除DPPH 自由基能力之測定………………………………………21八、亞鐵離子螯合能力之測定………………………………………………22九、還原力之測定………………………………………………………………………22十、總酚含量分析………………………………………………………………………22十一、類黃酮含量分析……………………………………………………………23十二、微生物之培養……………………………………………………

……………23十三、抑菌圈及最小抑菌濃度………………………………………………23十四、感官評估……………………………………………………………………………24十五、統計分析……………………………………………………………………………24第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………………………25第一節洋蔥的一般成分分析……………………………………………………25第二節洋蔥發酵28天期間理化性質之分析………………………25第三節洋蔥發酵28天期間感官評估之分析………………………28第四節 洋蔥發酵28天期間抗氧化能力之分析………………28第五節洋蔥發酵28天期間抗氧化能力相關性之分析…

…33第六節洋蔥發酵28天期間抑菌能力之分析………………………33第五章 結論……………………………………………………………………………………35參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………………………38附表………………………………………………………………………………………………………48附圖………………………………………………………………………………………………………63表目錄表一、洋蔥的一般成分分析……………………………………………………………………………………………………48表二、洋蔥發酵28天期間色澤之變化…………………………………………………………………………




