is broadband and wif的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列問答集和資訊懶人包

is broadband and wif的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Thomas, Scarlett寫的 The Chosen Ones 和Ibrahim, Ahmed/ Alfa, Attahiru S.的 Optimization Methods for User Admissions and Radio Resource Allocation for Multicasting over High Altitude Platforms都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

逢甲大學 通訊工程學系 尤正祺所指導 李岳展的 應用於4G/5G行動裝置之多頻帶天線設計 (2020),提出is broadband and wif關鍵因素是什麼,來自於行動裝置天線、MIMO天線、槽孔天線、開路槽孔天線、環型天線、小型化天線、多頻帶天線。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣大學 電機工程學研究所 張時中所指導 石雨弘的 3G及Wifi頻譜使用率與涵蓋範圍的量測與分析:以台大校園為例 (2013),提出因為有 無線數據頻譜、頻譜使用率量測、WiFi、3G、訊號涵蓋範圍量測的重點而找出了 is broadband and wif的解答。


除了is broadband and wif,大家也想知道這些:

The Chosen Ones

為了解決is broadband and wif的問題,作者Thomas, Scarlett 這樣論述:

Effie and her gifted friends--Raven, Maximillian, Lexy, and Wolf--embark on another adventure to save the world from the evil Diberi. The second book in the magical Worldquake series, that's "tailor-made for Harry Potter's fans" (Kirkus Reviews), will leave you utterly entranced.Effie Truelove has j

ust been expelled from magic class and now she can't even get back to the Otherworld--the place she most loves and where she feels she belongs. If she can find a copy of The Chosen Ones by Laurel Wilde to give her father then she might be able to fix everything. The only problem is that there are su

ddenly no copies of the book anywhere, because Albion Freake, the richest man in the world, is paying for them to be destroyed so that he can own the single-volume limited edition that publisher Skylurian Midzhar is making for him. Raven Wilde's witch's intuition tells her there's something suspicio

us about Skykurian's plan, but she's not sure what it is. And Maximilian has somehow managed to go missing deep in Napoleonic Europe. Will the five friends from Dragon's Green--Effie, Raven, Maximilian, Lexy, and Wolf--be able to combine their skills again to save the world from the Diberi? And can

they get away from Terrence Deer-Hart, the children's author who seems a bit too interested in Effie's life? Scarlett Thomas was born in London. She is the author of the Worldquake series, which includes Dragon’s Green and The Chosen Ones. She is also the author of nine books for adults, including

PopCo, The End of Mr. Y, which was longlisted for the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction 2007, and Our Tragic Universe. She teaches creative writing at the University of Kent. Erwin Madrid is a children’s book illustrator based in San Francisco, where he earned his BFA at the Academy of Art Colleg

e. He has worked for PDI/Dreamworks Animation on films like Shrek 2 and the Madagascar sequels. He has also done concept art for the gaming industry for titles like Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. In his spare time, Erwin travels and goes plein air painting.


為了解決is broadband and wif的問題,作者李岳展 這樣論述:

本論文以應用於第四代行動通訊(4G)、第五代行動通訊(5G)、無線區域網路(WLAN/WiFi 6E)的多頻帶、多輸入多輸出(MIMO)以及小型化的天線為主要研究方向。本論文共三項設計,均適用於手持式行動裝置。天線設計以槽孔天線、環形天線以及倒F型天線為主要設計架構。第一項設計為多天線設計,應用於4G/5G/WLAN/WiFi 6E智慧型手機,此設計有四種不同操作頻段的天線共計12支,其操作頻段分別為LTE 1800/2100/2600、WLAN (2400~2500 / 5150 ~ 5850 MHz)、5G (N77/N78/N79)、WiFi 6E ; 其中操作於LTE以及WLAN頻段

的天線各有兩支而操作於5GNR以及WiFi 6E頻段的天線各有四支。此設計整合四種不同設計的天線並完成實作,每支天線在目標頻段內的隔離度均優於10 dB。第二項設計為小型化天線設計,應用在筆記型電腦的4G/5G天線,此設計中共有兩個不同應用頻段的天線設計,一個為4G(LTE 700/900/1800/2100/2600),另一個為應用在5G(N78)的4×4 MIMO陣列天線。LTE天線配置於筆記型電腦的轉折處,利用轉折處的金屬以及筆記型電腦的接地面,形成槽孔天線的激發路徑,其激發的天線面積僅僅只有4×22 mm2 ; 4×4 的MIMO陣列天線配置於筆記型電腦螢幕的上方,單一天線面積為3×2

8 mm2,其天線淨空區的高度僅僅只有3 mm符合窄邊框的應用。第三項設計為多頻帶天線設計,操作於4G LTE/5G(N77/N78/N79)平板電腦的多頻帶天線設計,此設計有兩種不同操作頻段的天線,主要天線架構為槽孔天線,其操作頻段為LTE 700 / 850 / 900 / 1800 / 2100 / 2600 (699~768 / 824~894 / 880~960 / 1710~1880 / 1920~2170 MHz、2500~2690 MHz )以及5G N77/N78/N79(3.3 ~ 4.2 / 3.3 ~ 3.8 / 4.4~5 GHz),其中應用於LTE的天線在饋入處加入

匹配網路,使天線在目標頻段的頻寬增加並足夠涵蓋多個頻段,此匹配電路在設計上不同於傳統的匹配電路,擁有兩個截止頻率點,使此電路可同時調整低頻與高頻的模態。此設計成功的模擬與實作,雖然因為lump元件的高頻寄生效應史的頻寬與模擬相差1 GHz,但仍然可以看到此設計的可行性。

Optimization Methods for User Admissions and Radio Resource Allocation for Multicasting over High Altitude Platforms

為了解決is broadband and wif的問題,作者Ibrahim, Ahmed/ Alfa, Attahiru S. 這樣論述:

This book examines the issue of optimizing radio resource allocation (RRA) and user admission control (AC) for multiple multicasting sessions on a single high altitude platform (HAP) with multiple antennas on-board. HAPs are quasi-stationary aerial platforms that carry a wireless communications payl

oad to provide wireless communications and broadband services. They are meant to be located in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere at altitudes in the range 17-22 km and have the ability to fly on demand to temporarily or permanently serve regions with unavailable telecommunications infrastruct

ure. An important requirement that the book focuses on is the development of an efficient and effective method for resource allocation and user admissions for HAPs, especially when it comes to multicasting. Power, frequency, space (antennas selection) and time (scheduling) are the resources consider

ed in the problem over an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) HAP system. Due to the strong dependence of the total number of users that could join different multicast groups, on the possible ways we may allocate resources to these groups, it is of significant importance to conside

r a joint user to session assignments and RRA across the groups. From the service provider's point of view, it would be in its best interest to be able to admit as many higher priority users as possible, while satisfying their quality of service requirements. High priority users could be users subsc

ribed in and paying higher for a service plan that gives them preference of admittance to receive more multicast transmissions, compared to those paying for a lower service plan. Also, the user who tries to join multiple multicast groups (i.e. receive more than one multicast transmission), would hav

e preferences for which one he would favor to receive if resources are not enough to satisfy the QoS requirements. Technical topics discussed in the book include: - Overview on High Altitude Platforms, their different types and the recent works in this area- Radio Resource Allocation and User Admiss

ion Control in HAPs- Multicasting in a Single HAP System: System Model and Mathematical Formulation- Optimization schemes that are designed to enhance the performance of a branch and bound technique by taking into account special mathematical structure in the problem formulation.


為了解決is broadband and wif的問題,作者石雨弘 這樣論述:


圍因著不同的傳播環境及電信公司基地台、熱點設置的地點不同也有極大的差異,因此透過使用者的角度進行量測可直接觀察該地區頻譜被使用與訊號涵蓋的真實情形。本論文以台大校園為場域進行研究,研究目的如下:一、 學理上了解頻道以不同技術接取時頻譜使用情形的變化及不同頻率訊號在環境中衰減的情況,確保所進行量測可真實掌握到無線訊號受採用技術的影響。二、透過對台大校園3G及WiFi頻譜使用率與訊號涵蓋範圍進行量測與估計來2.1) 檢視數據頻譜使用率定義,並了解實際使用的情形,及2.2) 評估室內、外環境因素對WiFi訊號涵蓋的影響、室外3G和WiFi間涵蓋的搭配情形、以及進行與使用模式的關聯分析。 在頻譜使

用率量測的研究方面,本論文研究使用頻譜分析儀、全向性天線組成頻譜使用率量測硬體設備,分別對兩種使用率的量測問題探討如下:1) 補強文獻上3G頻譜使用率定義的不足,包含(1)當頻道功率大於臨界值後,使用者數目增減,頻譜使用率不會跟著變動, 及(2)未明確定義頻譜使用率指標為上行或下行頻段。本論文研究以使用者數量的多寡及量測位置分別對上下行頻段使用率造成的影響佐證,提出定義3G頻譜使用率以下行頻段使用率為頻譜使用率指標,並藉由不同使用者數量於單一頻道上進行通訊與數據接取產生的碼功率大小值,來分辨使用者人數變化對頻譜使用率的影響和以下行頻段為使用率指標可減少量測誤差的原因。針對WiFi頻譜使用率與

三個考量因素:頻道、時間、地點的對應關係,進行頻譜使用率實地量測。頻譜使用率量測實驗獨立變數包含頻道、時間與地點,所得數據依本論文研究定義的使用功率臨界值準則,以Matlab軟體進行比較與分析。量測結果顯示: (r1)使用率最高的頻道為CH1、CH6和CH11; (r2) WiFi在不同地點整體頻帶使用率約介於3%~60%之間,以圖書館為五個量測地點中的最高(57.54%),校門口為最低(3.6%); (r3)使用率變化可由離峰時段的24%到尖峰時段的67%; (r4)因台大校園WiFi配置繁密(1904個AP),師生採用WiFi進行數據接取普遍,故量得使用率明顯高於早年文獻中量測結果。2)

在訊號涵蓋範圍量測的研究方面,本論文研究專注於探討室內、外訊號強度的分佈情形,並利用頻譜分析儀與智慧型手機搭配APP軟體”WiFi-分析儀”為量測硬體設備:室內WiFi訊號量測的獨立變數包含頻道、地點。所得的量測數據以克利金(Ordinary Kriging)法估算未量測地點之訊號,並結合實際量測的訊號以Matlab繪圖軟體探討(3)已知的WiFi熱點位置與平均功率強度的對應關係、(4)自行配置WiFi熱點位置與平均功率強度的對應關係、(5)樓層間溢散的WiFi訊號對平均功率的影響。量測結果顯示: (r5)館舍管理單位所配置的熱點位置與訊號強度分佈圖並無直接對應關係; (r6)各實驗室是否有

自行配置熱點、配置數量皆不易掌握,有越靠近實驗室區則訊號強度越強的趨勢; (r7)樓層彼此間溢散訊號的影響低。3) 室外WiFi/3G訊號涵蓋範圍量測探討議題包括(6)室內WiFi訊號與室外WiF訊號間的對應關係、(7)周圍環境(系館、空地等)與3G平均功率強度的對應關係、(8)周圍環境與WiFi平均功率強度間的對應關係、及(9)3G訊號與WiFi訊號的平均訊號強度比較。量測結果顯示: (r8)室內溢散出的訊號強度經過衰減後遠低於室外訊號,因而對與室內建築物鄰近的室外區域訊號的影響低;(r9)周圍系館分布較鬆散的區域,其3G訊號強度(約-64dBm)遠高於以建築物為主體的區域(約-84dBm

); (r10)在較為空曠的地區WiFi訊號相對的低(約-92dBm); (r11)室外3G訊號強度(-64~-84dBm)普遍優於WiFi(-84~-92dBm)。綜合以上分析與討論,從頻譜使用率的量測結果可知在WiFi熱點配置繁密的環境之下,大部分的使用者會選擇以WiFi進行數據接取服務的可能性高。以台大校園為例,不同的地點頻譜使用率變化差異可達50%,尖峰與離峰時段頻譜使用率變化約達30%,顯示數據頻譜需求不斷上升下,廣設WiFi AP提高ISM段頻譜使用率可提高對3G接取流量分流的機會。而從訊號涵蓋的觀點來看,3G室外涵蓋訊號強度約分佈在-64~-84dBm,遠比WiFi室外訊號最高僅
